How To Reset Logitech Keyboard K850?

How To Reset Logitech Keyboard K850?

The Logitech K850 keyboard is a great tool that many people use daily. It’s wireless, comfortable, and can connect to multiple devices simultaneously. But like all tech devices, sometimes it needs a little reset to work properly again. If your Logitech K850 keyboard is not working the way it should, a reset might be just what it needs. If you’re wondering how to reset your Logitech Keyboard K850, you have to come to the right place. 

First of all, turn off Bluetooth or switch channels then remove the batteries and wait for 10 seconds. Now, press and hold Escape and O while putting the batteries back in, then turn the keyboard on. Reconnect it by turning on Bluetooth on your device and pairing it again. Test to ensure it works.

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Reset Logitech Keyboard 850

Here is how you can reset the keyword.

Step 1: Disconnect the Keyboard

The first thing you need to do is disconnect your keyboard from any devices it’s paired with. You can do this by either turning off the Bluetooth on the connected device or by selecting a different device channel on your keyboard. 

  • To turn the Bluetooth off, go to the Bluetooth settings and turn off the connection to your keyboard. 
  • To select a different channel, press the Easy-Switch button to switch to a channel that isn’t connected to any device. The k850 has three channels you can connect to.

Step 2: Take Out the Battery

To reset the Logitech Keyboard K850, you must also remove the batteries. Here is how to:

  • Turn over the keyboard and find the battery compartment. Slide the battery cover off and remove the batteries. Wait for a few seconds before putting them back in.

Step 3: Now Perform the Reset

Once the Logitech keyboard K850 is powered off, you can reset it. This step involves pressing a couple of keys on the keyboard to clear its memory.

  • While the batteries are still out, press and hold the Escape (Esc) key and the O key at the same time.
  • While still holding down these keys, reinsert the batteries into the keyboard.
  • After the batteries are back in, release the Escape and O keys.
  • If your keyboard has an on/off switch, turn it back on. If not, it should power on automatically when the batteries are inserted.

Step 4: Reconnect the Keyboard

Once your Logitech keyboard K850 is reset, you can reconnect the keyboard to your devices. To do this:

  • Go back to the Bluetooth settings on your device and turn it on.
  • To select the channel you want to use, click the Easy-Switch button on your keyboard and then follow the instructions on your device to reconnect the keyboard.

Step 5: You May Now Test It

After reconnecting your keyboard, you must test it to ensure it is working properly. You can do this by typing something on the keyboard to see if all the keys are working fine and checking the easy-switch feature.

How do I pair my Logitech K850 keyboard?

To pair your Logitech K850 keyboard, turn it on and select the Easy-Switch button to pick a channel. Then, follow the instructions on your device to complete the pairing.

How do I reset my Logitech keyboard to factory settings?

Press and hold the Escape and O keys for five seconds. This will reset your keyboard to its original settings.

How do I manually reset my keyboard?

Unplug the keyboard, wait a few seconds, and then plug it back in. This will reset most basic functions.

To Sum Up

In short, to reset your Logitech keyboard K850, disconnect the keyboard by turning off Bluetooth or switching channels. Remove the batteries and wait 10 seconds. Press and hold the Escape and O keys while putting the batteries back in, then turn the keyboard on. Reconnect it to your device via Bluetooth and test to make sure it’s working. This process helps refresh your keyboard and solve common issues.

If it still doesn’t work fine, consider seeking professional help. At The Mobile Market, we have a team of highly qualified, well-trained professionals who can fix all your Logitech keyboard problems effectively.