Your #1 Solution to Phone Motherboard Repair in Airdrie, CA

Are you experiencing issues with your phone’s motherboard? Look no further than The Mobile Market. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing top-notch repair services and ensuring your device is back in working order as quickly as possible. We also ensure that quality parts are used. Our state-of-the-art diagnostic tools allow us to identify the root cause of the problem accurately. And the best part? We offer competitive pricing and provide a precise estimate before starting work! 

We know that the motherboard is considered the heart of your phone. So, don’t let a faulty motherboard disrupt your day. Visit us today for reliable, efficient, affordable phone motherboard repairs in Airdrie, CA.

Feedback From Our Happy Clients

I didn’t know a repair shop could fix my broken phone this quick. The staff at Mobile Market is very professional, and they repaired my iPhone in less than 2 hours. That's impressive.

They offer the best discounts on repair services, and I think that is what we all need because that lowers the cost significantly. They also know their job well.

I bought my iPhone from them a few months ago. They have wonderful packages that I believe could help us save a lot of money. Their customer service is impeccable, and they stayed in touch with me even after months.

They used the best quality parts to repair my MacBook. It works perfectly now. Mobile Market also offered me a warranty for the repairs and the parts they used. I think they’re the best in town.

What Motherboard Parts Can We Fix?

Are you experiencing issues with your phone? It could be a motherboard problem. You can contact us because we fix these motherboard parts:

  • Faulty RAM (Random Access Memory) Chips: Our technicians will diagnose and replace faulty RAM chips, resolving issues like slow performance and frequent app crashes. 
  • Wireless Networks: We will fix issues by repairing or replacing the wireless chip and restoring your phone’s ability to connect to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices.
  • Storage Fix: Our technicians will replace a corrupted or damaged storage chip, preventing data loss and restoring functionality. 
  • Processor (CPU) Repair: Our skilled technicians will replace or repair a malfunctioning processor to resolve performance issues and random reboots.
  • Soldered Connections: Our team will re-solder loose or broken connections to restore functionality to various phone parts.

Why Hire Us to Fix Your Phone Motherboard?


We offer a comprehensive warranty on all our repairs, ensuring peace of mind and confidence in the quality of our services.


With years of experience in the industry, we have successfully repaired thousands of devices, making us a trusted name in phone repairs.

Certified Technicians

Our team comprises certified technicians who are highly trained and skilled in handling various phone models and complex motherboard issues.

Quick Service

We understand your device’s importance, so we strive to provide quick service, often completing repairs within a few hours.

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Can a damaged phone motherboard be repaired?

Yes, our skilled technicians can often repair a damaged phone motherboard. The extent of repair depends on the damage, but many issues can be resolved with professional expertise.

How do you test the phone motherboard?

To test a phone motherboard, technicians use diagnostic tools to check for electrical faults, examine physical damage, and run software tests to ensure all components function correctly.

How long does it take to fix a phone motherboard?

Fixing a phone motherboard takes a few hours, depending on the extent of the damage and the parts availability. Some complex repairs might take longer, up to a day.

What is the most common problem in a motherboard?

A motherboard might experience issues like electrical short circuits, often caused by water damage or faulty components. These can lead to issues like the phone not powering on or random shutdowns.

Can a motherboard be easily damaged?

Yes, a motherboard can be easily damaged by physical impacts, water exposure, overheating, or power surges, disrupting its delicate components and connections and leading to malfunction.