How To Make Screen Protector Sticky Again?

Make Screen Protector Sticky Again

As the name suggests, a screen protector protects your phone’s screen from damage. It acts as a barrier against dust and debris and keeps them out. However, over time, the screen protector can lose its stickiness. If that happens to you, use this blog as a guide to restore your screen protector to normal. First, take a microfiber cloth or a screen cleaner to clean your phone’s screen. Then, clean the protector’s sticky side with rubbing alcohol or water and let it dry. The next step is to apply the protector carefully and allow it time to cure. If your old protector is too degraded to be reused, get a new screen protector. 

Let’s explore this process in detail.

Steps To Make Your Screen Protector Sticky Again

Follow the following steps to regain the stickiness of your screen protector and improve its longevity.

Step 1: Clean The Screen

First things first, take off the screen protector and put it aside. Then, use a microfiber cloth to wipe the phone screen in circles. You may also use a screen cleaner to clean it better. Aside from this, you can also use a glass cleaning kit to get rid of all smudges, dirt, and fingerprints. 

Step 2: Clean The Protector

Once you have cleaned the screen, it is time to pay attention to remove scratches from screen protector. If you find the screen protector in good condition, you can reuse it. All you will need to do is to clean it and restore its adhesive if needed. So, take a small amount of water or a specialized screen protector solution and clean the sticky side of the screen protector. If you find the adhesive weakening, you may use adhesive enhancers and reuse the protector. 

Step 3: Install The Protector

Once you have cleaned the protector and the phone screen, it is time to move to the application of the screen protector. If it is your first time doing it, remember to do it slowly. Carefully align the screen protector with the phone screen and apply it with even pressure. Be sure to remove all trapped air bubbles – you may use a plastic card to push them out. 

Step 4: Let It Sit

Now that you have restored the stickiness of the screen protector and applied it again, let it sit for a while to let the glue dry without excessive handling. Allowing it time to settle ensures that the protector sticks well.

Step 5: Use A Different Protector

If you feel like your old screen protector’s physical appearance is compromised, or if it does not stick well, replacing it with a new one will be a better solution. Over time, the screen protector can degrade and lose its effectiveness and clarity. So, if you replace it with a new protector, you can ensure better device protection. 

Why Screen Protectors Lose Their Stickiness?

Since we have discussed how to make screen protectors sticky again, let’s look at the reasons why they lose their adhesion in the first place. 

  • Passage Of Time: Due to usage and passage of time, the adhesive on a screen protector can break down and lose its effectiveness 
  • Dust and Debris: If there is dust or debris trapped between the protector and the screen, it reduces the stickiness of the protector.
  • Temperature Changes: Exposing your phone to extreme temperatures, like leaving it on a hot car dashboard or out in the cold, can affect its stickiness. 
  • Improper Application: Problems with the initial screen protector application can also cause the protector to lose its stickiness. AAGWT

With that being said, letting professionals take care of such tasks can come in very handy and prevent your screen protector from prematurely losing its stickiness. 

We at the Mobile Market aim to bridge the gap between quality and affordability. So, if you find yourself looking for premium tech-repair solutions, look no further than us.

How to fix a screen protector that won’t stick?

Clean the screen with a microfiber cloth. Then, apply the protector, carefully aligning it and applying it smoothly to ensure no bubbles.

How do you clean a screen protector to reapply?

Remove the screen protector and rinse it with lukewarm water. Let it dry and reapply it back on the screen.

How do you get sticky residue off a screen protector?

You may use a small proportion of isopropyl alcohol to rub the sticky residue off the screen protector.


It is important to have a protector on your phone’s screen to prevent damage if you drop it. So, if you find your protector losing its stickiness, follow these steps to make it sticky again. First, clean the screen and the protector thoroughly. Use an adhesive enhancer if the stickiness is reduced. After this, carefully align the protector and place it on the screen, preventing the formation of air bubbles. Allow the protector time to set before you subject it to use. 

If you want the answer to any specific concerns, feel free to reach out us at the Mobile Market!