How to Fix Scratches on Liquid Screen Protector?

We’re familiar with how phone screen protectors can conceal scratches or cracks, but if your liquid screen protector has a crack, you can try a simple DIY trick. First, clean the screen thoroughly. Then, apply clear nail polish in a thin layer over the cracked area and let it dry. This simple solution to fix scratches on liquid screen protectors can temporarily reduce the crack’s visibility and offer extra protection. However, you must keep in mind that it’s just a temporary fix, and the best course of action is to replace it with a new one for long-term protection.

What is a Liquid Screen Protector?

A liquid screen protector is a thin, transparent coating applied to a device’s screen. Typically made of silicon dioxide, it chemically bonds with the screen, creating an invisible protective layer. While it doesn’t provide physical impact resistance, it offers benefits like scratch resistance, water repellency, and reduced fingerprint smudges. If you encounter phone screen problems, including scratches or other issues, it’s essential to note that a liquid screen protector may help prevent and minimize superficial scratches. However, for more profound damage, such as deep scratches, it is recommended to explore specialized methods or products designed to remove deep scratches effectively.

6 Tips To Fix Scratches On Liquid Screen Protector

1. Assess the Damage

Start by examining the severity of the scratches. Minor scratches may be improved with DIY methods, while deeper ones might require professional attention. For tips to protect your phone screen and prevent scratches, consider using a quality screen protector and a durable phone case.

2. Clean the Screen Thoroughly

Before attempting any fixes, ensure your screen is clean. Use a microfiber cloth and a gentle screen cleaner to remove any dirt or debris.

3. Try Baking Soda Method

Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply this paste to the scratched area using a cotton swab or cloth. Gently rub in circular motions, then wipe away the residue. This method may reduce the visibility of minor scratches.

4. Make Use of Toothpaste

Another way to fix scratches on liquid screen protectors is the Toothpaste method. It can serve as a mild abrasive to address scratches. Put a little amount of non-gel toothpaste to the scratches. Rub it gently with a soft cloth in circular motions, then wipe clean. Repeat if necessary.

5. Apply Clear Gel Nail Polish

For very fine scratches, clear gel nail polish can be used. Put a thin layer of the polish on the scratches and let it dry. This method can fill in minor scratches and make them less noticeable.

6. Get Professional Help from The Mobile Market

If DIY methods don’t yield satisfactory results or if the scratches are severe, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. We offer expert screen repair services, ensuring a precise and effective solution for your device. Additionally, for comprehensive screen protection tips, handle your phone with care and avoid placing it in close proximity to sharp objects.


Fixing scratches on a liquid screen protector requires careful assessment and appropriate measures. While DIY methods can be effective for minor scratches, deeper or more visible damage may necessitate professional intervention. The Mobile Market stands ready to provide specialized screen repair services at our mobile phone repair shop, ensuring your device’s screen remains in top-notch condition. Don’t let scratches compromise your viewing experience – explore these tips and reach out to experts when needed for a flawless screen. For more information, refer to the FAQ section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Liquid Screen Protector Get Scratched?

Yes, liquid screen protectors can still get scratched. While providing an extra layer of protection, they aren’t completely impervious to scratches.

What Should You Do If Your Liquid Screen Protector Cracks?

Repairing a cracked liquid screen protector is challenging. Consider replacing it with a new one for continued protection against scratches and minor impacts.

What To Do If Your Screen Protector Is Scratched?

If your screen protector has scratches, it’s best to replace it. Continued use with a scratched protector may compromise screen clarity and effectiveness.